IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2024.1 Released with Enhanced Features
Full Line Code Completion for Java and Kotlin
WEB IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2024.1 now boasts full line code completion for both Java and Kotlin, enhanced by a sophisticated deep learning model. This feature empowers developers with rapid and accurate code suggestions, streamlining their coding workflow.
AI-Powered Coding Efficiency
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate continues to lead in providing AI-driven coding efficiency. The latest update offers a comprehensive set of features that empower developers with automated refactoring, intelligent error handling, and context-aware suggestions.
Remote Development Workflow
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2024.1 introduces a Beta version of its Remote Development workflow. Developers can now seamlessly connect to remote machines running IntelliJ IDEA, enabling them to continue their development efforts from anywhere with a stable internet connection.
In-Depth Profiling
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate's Ultimate edition encompasses an extensive suite of features, including in-depth profiling capabilities. Developers can analyze code performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize their applications for improved speed and efficiency.